Dyestuffs (Dyes) Manufacturers Suppliers Exporters

No. of Results : 4

Clarisis Organics Ltd.
Tel No. 265 - 2340336
Dyes & Dyes Intermediates

Rex-Tone Dyes And Intermediates Ltd.
Contact Person:
Tel No. 0265 - 2357153/ 2321090
Vinyl Sulphone, Dyes, Leather Dyes, Acid Dyes, Acid Milling Dyes, Metal Complex Dyes, Tobias Acid, Reactive Dyestuffs

Shree Umiya Dye Chem Industries
Contact Person:
Tel No. 265 - 2312373
Dyes, Reactive Blue, Reactive Black, Reactive Red Brown

Needs Information Services Ltd
Contact Person:
Tel No. 265 - 3058232/2350541
Various Chemicals, Active Pharma Ingredients, Pharma Intermediates, Dyes & Dye Intermediate Industries
Chemicals & Dyestuff Industries
Vat Orange-1, Vat Yellow-4, Vat Green-13, Vat Brown-5, Vat Golden Yellow Rk, Vat Golden Yellow GK, Vat Brown RRD, Fast Violet B Base, Azoic Diazo Component 41, Vat Olivemw, C.I. 59105, C.I.59100, C.I.73410
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