We want veterinary medicine of the following
condronex, omega-3 fish oil and joint active in bulk quantity. We are waiting for your positive reply soon.
We were working as a distribuor for Zoetis Veterinary division Cusotmer Code : A914069914.But past 4 years there was to communication between Company and our firm. We want to place orders. Please ..View More
Hi, I represent a company based in Dubai. We are looking to source a variety of veterinary products for a client of ours, to be imported into the Middle East.
We want to purchase Veterinary products/ Medicines We will purchase minimum required quantity required
Hi, This is pravin pal from piramal nextgen.
Want to confirm that,are you supplying veterinary products? if yes ,please share product list on above mail. Thanks & regards, Pravin pal.
We are an exporters of many products. Recently one of our overseas customer asked us for Oritzo Hl which is a vet herbal chemical.
If you do supply this please contact us for further negotions.
We need VIT-K 100ml injection like 4000 bottles Once we agree on the price we shall sign a contract
The procurement entity here is RAB ( Rwanda agriculture and animal resources board)
Dear sir,We are mailing the details of Bills supplied to you given below:Sss Pharchem (P) Ltd., Ahm 346 22.08.09 79560.00 Yr.09-10 Sss Pharchem (P) Ltd., Ahm 502 05.11.09 39780.00 Yr.09-10 Sss Pharc..View More