We have an enquiry for a variety of glasswares. Could you please send us an email so that we can send an attachment with the complete enquiry specifications and quantities ?
Hello. I am Dhara Parikh, a research scholar. I need laboratory equipment, a baffled glass reactor of 100ml volume.Do you have this product? Or can you make and give? Please reply as early as possi..View More
Indent No Date Sr. no Item Qty PGM-07 18.04.16 2 Conductivity Meter for Forion column; Model = 31/2 digit DM50W; Range = 0 to 199.9 with 0.1 cell constant; supply voltage = 230 vac, 50 Hz; Enclousere..View More
We manufacture Glass Strain Viewer (Polariscope) working area of 8 inch x 4 inch, and 2 inch dia Analyser. for checking strains and stresses in moulded, and fabricated glassware, the testis are insta..View More