Kindly send the Quotation of Hydrogen Gas Cylinder (5.5 XL Grade, PURITY:99.999%, Cylinder Capacity:47 Liter, Cas content 7 Cu. M. with brass valve and Valve guard on outright sale basis.
Participate in bid for ultra high purity argon gas refilling on Government E-marketplace (GeM) - GEM/2022/B/2270776 Dated 22/06/22. Last date is 14 July 2022.
we are in regular requirement of industrial gases.Average monthly consumption is as below.Pls quote your best price with delivery terms. O2 N2 CO2 Ar 35 25 5 5
Dear Sir, Please submit the most competitive offer for C02, Argon and Argon-Co2 (80-20) mix for the Flux Core Arc welding on SS 304. Please indicate the different size of bottles available. ..View More
Send Us all Industrial Gases Price & Qutation as soon as possible mainly all Industrial & Speciality gases.Thanku Best RegardsAnand Pressing Pvt Ltd.A-30,Lasur-Aurangabad