Fully Charged Fire extinguisher with all accessories 4.5 KG -2 Nos
Fully Charged Fire Extinguisher with all cacessories 2.0 KG - 6 Nos
Fire Bucket with stand - 3 Nos
All types and all capacity fire extinguishers available as per standard. Other safety equipment''s also available. Safety documentation and TPI also available .
Portable Fire Extinguishers as per IS 15683 (2018) Version 2 (Total 163)
S.R Item Name Specification QTN Rate
IS: 15683: 2018 (Latest amendments Stored
Pressure, Gas Cartridge Type..View More
Sir i have my own business i also sale Fire Exitinguisher can you give me product at wholesale rate & Other services(fire Exitinguisher Maintenance,Inspection,Reffilling
We need quotation for Re filling of Fire Extinguishers for PAN INDIA ..Portable Dry Powder Extinguisher---( Storage 2& 4) kg .. for Gaziabad, Delhi, Indore and Munbai( Vash/ Santacruz) ..View More
We deal with fire extinguishers in tamilnadu
I am also safety consultant.. we are in tack for at present fire pro at Mumbai I want reasonably price for all fire safety materials.. pls call feel free ..View More
Dear Sir We require following products to supply our client please provide us best rate you can provide us.so that we can sell it in proper price (1)single headed oblige pattern gunmeta hydrant ..View More
Required Stands for Fire Extinguishers Should Accommodate at least 2 fire extinguishers and 1 fire bucket. Send us the photographs as soon as possible with Quotations and material Specifications. Requ..View More
Dear Sir, As a safety requirement in our Environment Laboratory we need a Fire Extinguisher (ABC type- 2-3 lit). Please send your quotation for the same. Thank you and with regards
Hello Owner, My name is Tony Megabush emailing to find out if you carry fire extinguishers if you company.If yes this is my specs:(ABC dry chemical 10lb,20lb,wet chemical class K,6 lite..View More
Dear sir,first of all i will give you short intro about us my name is alpesh pipaliya from silver brass ind from jamnagar and we are small scale industries but we are supply fire fighting equipments ..View More