Series-52mm Providing and fixing Position AluminumOpenable Section Jindal Heavy Duty 16 Gauge Thickness 5mm clear Toughen Glass, Right Handel, Black EPDM, Aluminum Cleat, With Coating Etc - size" 6''..View More
We are a vendor company of the Construction company we have a requirement of the Aluminium Windows,Steel Door,Fire Rated Door,Fire Rated window and AL Grill works kindly contact me
We want to install Upvc or Aluminium system Windows and doors for our residential use approximately 1000 sq ft. Kindly issue us a proforma invoice for the same with time taken for completion.
HiWe are looking for double glass sliding windows with aluminium framework with 5 MM double glass. The specification is 6.7 inchX 5.2 X 6 windows 6.1 X 5.2 X 1 window4.9 X 5.2 X 1 windowtotal approx 2..View More
Hi, we need aluminium door & windows with safety grill.. If you have any products, please mail me.. Ar. Ruchi Shah (bakeri urban development pvt. ltd.)